Collaborating Websites

These are websites that have agreed to accept guest posts as well as writing their own.  Watch for updates that will be posted as new websites join.


il cappellaio matto (the mad hatter)  will accept contributions in German, Italian, French, English, Spanish and Arabic, and potentially others!  Contact

En français:

Dé-psychiatriser  Contact Jules Malleus

Aceptan aportes en español:

Program de Acción por la Igualdad y la Inclusión (Paiis) Contact: María José Montoya

Sociedad y Discapacidad (Sodis) Contact: Silvana Queija

Accepting contributions in English:

Mildly Dysthymic in America Contact: Sharon Cretsinger

Mad in America Contact: Justin Karter and Kermit Cole

For Australian survivors, consumers, service users, mad and neuro-diverse people:, Contact:

Accepting contributions in Norwegian, Swedish and Danish:

Contact person for these three websites is Sigrun Tømeras, who can be reached through this webform:

My personal blog:

Mental health collection blog:

Blog of the Norwegian Association for Mental Health: