Summary of Campaign March 29, 2016

**For Next Steps in Absolute Prohibition Campaign click here.  As of January 2017 we are collaborating together on strategies and sharing information.  Spanish as well as English discussions are taking place, and French may be starting soon.  Resource pages are also under construction on this website.**

Here is the information I presented to the CRPD Committee this morning:

Intervention by Tina Minkowitz at the opening of the 15th session of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – as delivered

March 29, 2016

Members of the Committee, Secretariat, respected colleagues. I speak to you today on behalf of the Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry.

I present the results of a Campaign to demonstrate civil society support for the CRPD absolute prohibition of commitment and forced treatment. We asked participants to contribute their own knowledge and experience in the effort to persuade states to end the widespread suffering of those who are being medically tortured with no effective redress.

I will summarize the 41 submissions that are published on the Campaign website, which will be shared in electronic form with hyperlinks for easy reference. The materials are published in their original languages whether French, German, Spanish, Italian or English. A few other submissions are still coming in from people who misunderstood or were unable to finish before now, including from ENUSP (now added, see below).

The home page of the website is Some of the publications can also be found on collaborating blogs Mad in AmericaSodis (Peru), PAIIS (Colombia), Dé-psychiatriser (France) and il cappellaio matto (Italy), and on participants’ individual blogs which are linked in their posts.

I begin with the memorials of those who died in psychiatry: M’hamed El Yagoubi writes about his wife and companion Nathalie Dale (in France). Dorrit Cato Christensen writes about her daughter Luise (in Denmark), and Olga Runciman dramatizes her anger and outrage over another death in Danish psychiatry. María Teresa Fernández speaks in honor of her brother (in Mexico), and also reflects from a moral perspective and as a person with a disability who works on the CRPD.

Survivors have a unique vantage point on degradations such as solitary confinement, restraints, injections, forced nakedness, brutality, authoritarianism, the stultifying effects of psychiatric drugs, the sheer destruction of electroshock, and sadistic psychological manipulations. How can we heal from abuse that society condones and that the law allows with impunity? For women forced psychiatry is sexualized and gendered, and should be recognized as both disability-based and gender-based violence. These writings stand as evidence of severe harm and as critique of laws and practices from the bottom up.

Jhilmil Breckenridge and Irit Shimrat evoke scenes of brutality, humiliation, and enforced subjection counterposed to the subjectivity of the survivor who is left to cope with her losses. Shimrat also looks back on a comic book hero she created as a young woman locked up on a psych ward for the first time.

Andrea Cortés describes how society seeks answers from experts, who punish people that don’t fit in, instead of learning to coexist; Katherine Tapley-Middleton relates how forced drugging caused her eyes to roll up in her head, and the nurses withheld a side-effects remedy; Roberta Gelsomino evokes frustration and anger towards those who did not help and refused to see her as a person.

Initially NO (see full original) combines political art and testimony to show how her rights under the CRPD were systematically negated by psychiatric violence; Anne Grethe Teien counters Norway’s claim that it is not violating human rights by comparing its laws and practices with the CRPD and with her own experience. Pink Belette and Agnès, both in France, attest to brutality, authoritarianism, and meaningless review procedures; Pink Belette also uses humor to rebuke psychiatric arrogance.

Connie Neil shares her journey with anger and grief over the destruction wrought by forced electroshock, and finally a possibility of forgiveness; Eveline Zenith describes and analyzes the abusive character of psychotherapy that entails re-traumatization; Corrine A. Taylor relates how she stopped psychiatric drugs in the face of a doubting psychiatrist and calls for everyone to have the same chance; Christian Discher documents the taunting of a young man for his homosexuality as part of his confinement.

Lucila López, a user and survivor of psychiatry, a mother, and a social psychologist, discusses a range of issues related to commitment and forced treatment, including iatrogenic harm, Argentina’s national mental health law, the pathologization of poverty, and the situation of young people affected by consumption of legal or illegal drugs.

AddedJolijn Santegoeds calls for care not coercion in the Netherlands, and for compensation to survivors, appending her personal experience “16 years old, depressed and tortured in psychiatry.”

Researchers, scholars, lawyers, and clinicians, among them survivors and allies, express their adherence to the Campaign and build our knowledge base.

Robert Whitaker, journalist and founder of Mad in America, and Peter C. Gøtzsche, MD, researcher with the Cochrane Institute, each make a case against forced treatment from a medical standpoint. Clinician Jose Raul Sabbagh Mancilla in Mexico unconditionally supports the absolute prohibition of commitment and forced treatment. Psychologist Paula J. Caplan, PhD discusses inherently illegitimate psychiatric diagnosis as the entry point into human rights violations.

Karlijn Roex, PhD candidate in sociology, counters the use of “danger to self or others” to justify coercive psychiatric interventions, through scientific arguments, ‘user’ narratives, and moral principles. Anne-Laure Donskoy, survivor researcher, highlights the adoption of coercive mental health methods to enforce work requirements on benefits recipients in the UK.

Linda Steele, lecturer in law, characterizes commitment and forced treatment as disability-specific forms of violence condoned by domestic law and thus not amenable to legal recourse. Lawyer Francisca Figueroa notes the tension between the CRPD absolute prohibition and Chilean laws and practices condoning forced treatment. Documenta shared videos from its campaign against the system of inimputabilidad and security measures in Mexico, including a complaint under the CRPD Optional Protocol.

Bonnie Burstow, scholar and activist who advocates abolition of psychiatry itself, welcomes the Guidelines on Article 14 which clarify the absolute prohibition on forced treatment. Sarah Knutson makes the case for 100% voluntary treatment as an ex-lawyer, ex-therapist survivor activist, and presents an alternative approach to conflict and crisis.

Organizations and activists shared their advocacy and calls for action related to the absolute prohibition.

Added: European Network of (ex-) Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (ENUSP) counters the positions of the Human Rights Committee and the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture in conflict with the CRPD and argues for real development of mental health care starting from the premise that forced psychiatric interventions must be banned.

Added: Fiona Walsh, survivor and human rights defender, reports on Ireland’s enactment of CRPD-noncompliant capacity and mental health legislation.

Erveda Sansi explains how Italian law still permits commitment and forced treatment in civil and forensic institutions. il cappellaio matto shares an interview with Dr Giorgio Antonucci on his work to abolish forced treatment in the 1960s that remained incomplete.

Coalition Against Psychiatric Assault created a video and petition calling on the Canadian government to withdraw its reservation that perpetuates compulsory treatment. Die-BPE of Berlin details the law and practice in Germany that allows substitute decision-making on the basis of a “lack of insight” standard, which violates the CRPD.

Asociación Azul calls for sweeping changes to allow people to be free and enjoy the same rights as others in their communities; survivor activist Don Weitz calls for class action suits and criminalization of forced psychiatric treatments and involuntary commitals; Jules Malleus shares a view of psychiatry as a destructive machine, utilizing images from dystopian films to make the point; Ana María Sánchez calls for creative public policies beyond the elimination of commitment and forced treatment.


This concludes the summary of materials that constitute the Campaign. I hope it will strengthen our common motivation and determination to put an end to medicalized torture and insist on consistency among all human rights mechanisms global regional and national to ensure no person remains in a situation of commitment and forced treatment in violation of the Convention. We need to not allow this issue to be left behind in the SDG monitoring, in work on the rights of women and girls with disabilities, in the COSP, or in any other CRPD implementation. It is a huge task for all of us, and survivors and victims remind us of why it cannot be forgotten.

The Campaign will have a second phase, both to reach out again to regions that remained unrepresented, and to pursue common interests that emerge in the materials. For those who are interested I will plan to schedule public discussions via Skype or web conferencing within the next few months, and I can be contacted through the Campaign website and also on Facebook and Twitter as Tina Minkowitz and also on the official CHRUSP page.

Thank you.

Australian survivor/consumer/service user/mad/neuro-diverse person?

For Australian survivors, consumers, service users, mad or neuro-diverse people interested in participating in the Campaign:

(from Facebook post)

Want to have YOUR say to the United Nations about your experience of forced treatment? Start writing (or painting, or drawing…)…

On 29 March blog sites around the world will go live with personal stories of the impacts of forced psychiatric treatment. The campaign aims to bring these human rights issues to the attention of the United Nations. Read more about the campaign below.

If you’re in Australia and have a story to share, is happy to put it on their website. There will be a new page dedicated to this campaign. So start writing, or get creative and send artwork or music if you prefer. 

Submissions needed by 14 March if possible. Email submissions to

Calling Norwegian, Swedish and Danish participants!

We have collaborating sites now that will accept writing and artwork for the Campaign in Norwegian, Swedish and Danish languages.

Contact person for these three websites is Sigrun Tømeras, who can be reached through this webform:
My personal blog:

Mental health collection blog:

Blog of the Norwegian Association for Mental Health:

Documents en français


Call To Action (French) – Appel à l’Action  

Methodologie (French) 

Campagne pour soutenir l’Abolition totale des soins et de l’hospitalisation sans consentement en application de la CDPH de l’ONU

Action : Lancer des messages coordonnés sur des blogs partenaires le 29 mars 2016 – jour de l’ouverture de la 15ème session du Comité des Droits des personnes handicapées de l’ONU

Participants : Survivants, (ex)usagers des services de psychiatrie, sympathisants, chercheurs, avocats, universitaires, gestionnaires, professionnels de santé et des services, journalistes, citoyens concernés du monde …

Langues utilisées : Même si la majorité des participants s’expriment en anglais, des sites web en espagnol,  en norvégien, et en allemand collaborent déjà à cette campagne. Tout site web ou bloggeur francophone est le bienvenu pour nous rejoindre avec des contributions en français ou en toute autre langue.

Contenu : Partager avec votre cœur et votre esprit tout aspect relatif à l’abolition totale et pourquoi elle est nécessaire : les dégâts causés par les traitements chimiques sans consentement ; la solidarité et la construction d’une société inclusive où tous sont égaux ; les implications juridiques de la CDPH au niveau du droit international et national ; l’accueil de la CDPH par d’autres mécanismes relatifs aux droits de l’homme ; le potentiel provoqué par cette abolition de transformer les services et les formes de soutien pour les personnes en situation de handicap psychosocial tels que nous les souhaitons ; la relation entre les diagnostics pathologisants conduisant au traitement forcé et à la contrainte, etc. Ne vous limitez pas à ces exemples. Ce qui compte est d’avoir un maximum de voix d’un maximum de perspectives exprimant la valeur et la nécessité absolue de cette abolition.

Références : Relier vos arguments ou vos déclarations à la CDPH (notamment ses articles 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 25(d), 28), et à l’Observation générale n° 1 sur l’article 12, et /ou les Directives pour l’article 14 (Guidelines on Article 14), et exprimer votre soutien de l’approche du Comité de la CDPH. Cette approche constitue un changement de paradigme allant d’un système sécuritaire procédural (paradigme obsolète des lois sur la santé mentale) à un système d’abolition totale (nouveau paradigme de la CDPH).

***Il serait également utile de faire référence aux Principes de base et lignes directrices publiés par le Groupe de travail sur la détention arbitraire de l’ONU, Principe 20 et Lignes directrice 20, qui construisent un pont entre l’ancien et le nouveau paradigme en chargeant les juges d’appliquer cette abolition totale.

Contexte : La CDPH représente un défi sérieux au statu quo de la loi et au pouvoir de la psychiatrie organisée. Deux Organes de Traités des Nations Unies sont en conflit ouvert avec le texte et l’interprétation faisant autorité de la CDPH : le Comité des droits de l’homme (qui surveille la mise en application du Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques) dans son Observation générale no 35 (par. 19) ; et le Sous-comité pour la prévention de la torture (qui effectue des visites des lieux de détention et contrôle les mécanismes nationaux de prévention qui font de même) dans son document “Rights [sic] of persons institutionalized and medically treated without informed consent(Droits (sic) des personnes placées en institution et soumises aux traitements sans consentement éclairé). La position du Sous-comité pour la prévention de la torture est la plus sévère, permettant non seulement le placement et le traitement sans consentement mais expliquant aussi que son abolition serait en violation du droit à la santé et au droit ne pas être soumis à la torture ou aux mauvais traitements. Autrement dit, le Comité soutient l’argument du « droit au traitement » avancé par la psychiatrie conventionnelle. Comme nous le savons, cet argument est basé sur la négation de la capacité et du droit des personnes en situation de handicap psychosocial de prendre leurs propres décisions et de défendre leur autonomie corporelle tels que garantis par l’article 12 du CDPH. L’autonomie corporelle est un droit fondamental rattaché à la personnalité de chacun et indispensable à notre sécurité ; deux aspects des droits de l’homme nécessaires à notre bien-être.

Références :

Contact : Tina Minkowitz



Méthodologie de la Campagne pour soutenir l’Abolition totale des soins et de l’hospitalisation sans consentement en application de la CDPH de l’ONU

Si vous disposez d’un blog personnel que vous souhaitez utiliser pour communiquer dans le cadre de cette campagne, merci de nous fournir son nom, son adresse (url) et un résumé de son contenu avant le 14 mars prochain.

Si vous ne disposez pas de blog personnel, mais souhaitez participer, merci de me contacter afin que je puisse faire tous mes efforts pour vous mettre en lien avec un ou plusieurs blogs collectifs participants.

Si vous disposez d’un blog collectif que ce soit un blog d’association, de terrain, universitaire, journalistique ou autre collectif et vous souhaiterez l’ouvrir à des invités dans le cadre de cette campagne, je vous remercie de me contacter le plus rapidement possible.

Vous êtes également invités à partager l’Appel à l’Action et cette note sur la Méthodologie sur votre blog ou votre site web ou encore dans vos réseaux sociaux. Merci de bien vouloir donner mes coordonnées ci-dessous avec toute communication.


Contact : Tina Minkowitz,

Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry,


Absolute Prohibition and SDGs

There are different communities of people who relate to this Campaign.  Some of you know a lot about the SDGs – the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.  For others it is just another alphabet soup.  I’m somewhere in the middle.

The UN is asking for “Crowdsourced Briefs” on topics relating to sustainable development.  I think that it is an ideal opportunity for survivors and allies to make proposals about mental health policy governed by the absolute prohibition of force and coercion; new or traditional social practices to replace mental health services; etc.  What research do you have, what projects are you involved in, that could contribute valuable knowledge to this worldwide process?

The SDGs are a focal point of most of what is going on at the UN right now.  This crowdsourcing is a way to put our ideas out where they can be seen by others on a global scale.

From the website:

Crowdsourced briefs are inputs received from the scientific community around the world, highlighting a specific issue, finding, or research with a bearing on sustainable development in its three dimensions – economic, social and environment – or the inter-linkages between them. The briefs are required to be factual and based on peer-reviewed literature, focusing on the review of up-to-date findings relating to a particular issue, or presenting solutions to a problem or challenge. Key messages from the current scientific debate are normally highlighted for the attention of policy-makers. Selected briefs could be featured in the Global Sustainable Development Report to be reviewed by policy makers at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.

Make sure to look at the call for contributions with more details and format.

All that material is from the UN, I don’t endorse it or have anything to do with it but think that it is a good synergy with this Campaign to take the baseline of absolute prohibition of commitment and forced treatment and use that as a jumping off point for positive visions and policy recommendations.

Edit: to answer the question posed by Christine in the comments, it might not be clear from this page alone that the absolute prohibition of commitment and forced treatment is not only a position held by survivors and allies, it is an obligation under international human rights law.  This is why we have a different basis for action now than in 1982, a greater possibility to make these rights real.

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has enacted into international law a prohibition against involuntary commitment and forced treatment, and an obligation on governments to create the supports and services that respect peoples’ rights and freedoms, without any exception. The CRPD is binding law on 161 countries that have ratified it, and now the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has also found that the same prohibition of commitment and forced treatment exists under general international law that applies to all countries. Please see the main page of this Campaign for details.

Conversation about Campaign

I will be on Talk with Tenney Blog Talk Radio on 2 February and 9 February to talk about this Campaign.  See below for details or visit the links.

Call (267) 521-0167 (+1 country code from outside US) or skype in to hear Tina Minkowitz speak about the Campaign to Support CRPD Absolute Prohibition of Commitment and Forced Treatment
CRPD = Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

* Survivors, researchers, service providers, lawyers – all welcome to write or contribute art work demonstrating support for the standards of international law prohibiting commitment and forced treatment
* Target date 29 March 2016, opening day of Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 15th session
* Aim is to demonstrate wide range of civil society support for the absolute prohibition, to share knowledge, to strengthen all those working to put this standard into practice
* Learn how you can participate
* Learn more about the CRPD and where to find the absolute prohibition
* Share your ideas and brainstorm plans and strategies

Tuesday 2 February at 21:00 GMT/ 4pm New York/ 3pm Mexico City/ 1pm Vancouver/ 10pm Europe/ 11pm Johannesburg/ 6am Seoul and Tokyo/ 8am Melbourne

Tuesday 9 February at 8:00 GMT/ 9am Europe/ 10am Johannesburg/ 5pm Seoul and Tokyo/ 7pm Melbourne/ 3am New York/ 2am Mexico City/ 12am Vancouver

This event is designed to reach an international audience and participants should choose the time that best meets their needs. Please see to check the time in your area if not listed.

Allies, Step Up Please!

This post is addressed especially to mental health professionals and researchers, including psychiatrists, social workers, therapists, and also to lawyers and law professors.

If you have spoken against coercive practices, if you are critical of the medical model and are willing to envision with us a world where support and services *never* mean paternalism or coercion, your voice is needed for two reasons.  First, to counter the backlash the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has faced from organized psychiatry (for example here and here) and its apologists in the legal field (sorry but I can’t bring myself to search further through the muck).  And second, to bring your knowledge and skills to the work of transformation to bring this new world into being.

The existence of the CRPD and its jurisprudence establishing the absolute prohibition of commitment and forced treatment, along with that of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (all linked in the Call to Action), by creating a new legal norm and obligation on governments, creates space for these positions to be sayable in the mainstream, and for the work to take place.

Also significant, though I had not thought of including it in the Campaign materials earlier, is a statement of two UN Special Rapporteurs, the Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities and the Special Rapporteur on the right to health, entitled: “Dignity must prevail” – An appeal to do away with non-consensual psychiatric treatment World Mental Health Day – Saturday 10 October 2015.  They said:

Dignity cannot be compatible with practices of force treatment which may amount to torture. States must halt this situation as a matter of urgency and respect each person’s autonomy, including their right to choose or refuse treatment and care.

Without freedom from violence and abuse, autonomy and self-determination, inclusion in the community and participation in decision-making, the inherent dignity of the person becomes an empty concept.  The international community needs to acknowledge the extent of these violations, which are broadly accepted and justified in the name of psychiatry as a medical practice.

The concept of ‘medical necessity’ behind non-consensual placement and treatment falls short of scientific evidence and sound criteria. The legacy of the use of force in psychiatry is against the principle ‘primum non nocere’ (first do no harm) and should no more be accepted.

Please join survivors and allies who are speaking out as human rights defenders, to defend and strengthen the work of the UN mechanisms that are promoting and protecting the right to be free from all forms of commitment and forced treatment.

Collaborating Websites

These are websites that have agreed to accept guest posts as well as writing their own.  Watch for updates that will be posted as new websites join.


il cappellaio matto (the mad hatter)  will accept contributions in German, Italian, French, English, Spanish and Arabic, and potentially others!  Contact


En français:

Dé-psychiatriser  Contact Jules Malleus


Aceptan aportes en español:

Program de Acción por la Igualdad y la Inclusión (Paiis) Contact: María José Montoya

Sociedad y Discapacidad (Sodis) Contact: Silvana Queija

Asociación Azul Contact:


Accepting contributions in English:

Mildly Dysthymic in America Contact: Sharon Cretsinger

Mad in America Contact: Justin Karter and Kermit Cole


For Australian survivors, consumers, service users, mad and neuro-diverse people:, Contact:


Accepting contributions in Norwegian, Swedish and Danish:

Contact person for these three websites is Sigrun Tømeras, who can be reached through this webform:

My personal blog:

Mental health collection blog:

Blog of the Norwegian Association for Mental Health:




Documentos en español

We now have Spanish translations of all Campaign documents on the page where the English one appears, and French ones are in progress.

Here are direct links to the Spanish materials:  LlamadaES (doc) y MetodologiaES (doc)


Ahora tenemos traducciones al español de todos los documentos de la campaña en la página donde aparece el inglés, y los franceses están en curso.
Aquí están los enlaces directos a los materiales en español:

LlamadaES (doc) y MetodologiaES (doc)


Ahora tenemos traducciones al español de todos los documentos de la campaña en la página donde aparece el inglés, y los franceses están en curso.
Aquí están los enlaces directos a los materiales en español:  LlamadaES (doc)  LlamadaES (pdf)   MetodologiaES (doc)  MetodologiaES (pdf)

Artists Wanted!

Artists Wanted!  Se solicitan Artistas!  Si cercano artisti!

Artists are more than welcome to express themselves in their chosen medium.  Show your support for the CRPD Absolute Prohibition!  Use your own blog or art website, or participate through one of the collaborating blogs (to be announced).



Se solicitan Artistas!

Son más que bienvenidas las aportaciones de las y los artistas en cualesquier medios y formas que elijan.  Muestren su apoyo a la Prohibición Absoluta de la Convención!, Utilicen su propio blog o sitio Web, o participen a través de alguno de los blogs de apoyo (que se anunciarán en breve).



Si cercano artisti!
Artisti! Siete più che benvenuti a esprimervi con qualsiasi strumento di vostra scelta! Rendete visibile il vostro appoggio per il divieto assoluto del TSO (Trattamento Sanitario Obbligatorio) nel CRPD (Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – Convenzione dei Diritti delle Persone con Disabilità)! Usate il vostro blog o sito artistico, o partecipate a uno dei blog di appoggio (che verrà annunciato a breve).



download methodology (doc)  methodology (pdf)

en español: MetodologiaES (doc)

en français: Methodologie (French) (doc)

in italiano: Metodologia (doc)

in German: Methodology Deutsch(German) (doc)

Methodology for Campaign of Support for CRPD Absolute Prohibition


If you have an individual blog that you will use to make your post, please provide the name and url and a summary of the content by March 14.

If you do not have access to a blog but want to participate, please contact me and I will do my best to connect you with one or more participating collective blog sites.

If you have a collective blog site, whether organizational, grass roots, academic, journalism, etc., and you would like to open it up to guest bloggers for this campaign, please let me know as soon as possible.

You are also welcome to share the Call to Action and this note on Methodology on your blog or website, and on social media; please make sure to include my contact information.

Contact: Tina Minkowitz,

Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry,


Metodología para la Campaña en Apoyo a la Absoluta Prohibición establecida en la CDPD


Si tienes un blog individual en el cual publicarás tu comentario, por favor envíame el nombre y url del mismo, con un pequeño resumen de su contenido antes del 14 de marzo.

Si no tienes acceso a algún blog, pero quieres publicar un comentario, por favor ponte en contacto conmigo, y haré lo posible por conectarte con uno o más de los blogs colectivos que participarán en la campaña.

Si tienes un blog colectivo, ya sea institucional, de organizaciones de base, académico, periodístico, etc., y estás dispuesto a abrirlo para recibir los comentarios de quienes decidan participar en la campaña, por favor házmelo saber tan pronto como te sea posible.

También te agradeceré que publiques el Llamado a la Acción y esta nota sobre la Metodología a seguir en tu blog o sitio web, o en otros medios y redes sociales a los que tengas acceso, en cuyo caso te pido por favor que incluyas mi información de contacto.

Contacto: Tina Minkowitz,

Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry,


Méthodologie de la Campagne pour soutenir l’Abolition totale des soins et de l’hospitalisation sans consentement en application de la CDPH de l’ONU


Si vous disposez d’un blog personnel que vous souhaitez utiliser pour communiquer dans le cadre de cette campagne, merci de nous fournir son nom, son adresse (url) et un résumé de son contenu avant le 14 mars prochain.

Si vous ne disposez pas de blog personnel, mais souhaitez participer, merci de me contacter afin que je puisse faire tous mes efforts pour vous mettre en lien avec un ou plusieurs blogs collectifs participants.

Si vous disposez d’un blog collectif que ce soit un blog d’association, de terrain, universitaire, journalistique ou autre collectif et vous souhaiterez l’ouvrir à des invités dans le cadre de cette campagne, je vous remercie de me contacter le plus rapidement possible.

Vous êtes également invités à partager l’Appel à l’Action et cette note sur la Méthodologie sur votre blog ou votre site web ou encore dans vos réseaux sociaux. Merci de bien vouloir donner mes coordonnées ci-dessous avec toute communication.

Contact : Tina Minkowitz,

Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry,


Metodologia della Campagna per sostenere l’Abolizione totale del TSO (Trattamento Sanitario Obbligatorio) in applicazione della CRPD (Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sui diritti delle persone con disabilità)

Se disponete di un blog personale che volete utilizzare per comunicazioni nell’ambito di questa Campagna, trasmetteteci per favore il nome e l’indirizzo (URL) del blog e un riassunto del suo contenuto, prima del prossimo 14 marzo.

Se non disponete di un blog personale, ma desiderate partecipare a questa Campagna, vi chiedo di contattarmi, di modo che possa fare del mio meglio per mettervi in contatto con uno o più blog collettivi partecipanti.

Se disponete di un blog collettivo, cioè un blog di un’associazione, di base, universitario, giornalistico ecc. e volete aprirlo a degli invitati (guest bloggers) nell’ambito di questa campagna, per favore contattatemi il più presto possibile.

Siete inoltre invitati a condividere l’Appello all’Azione e questa nota sulla Metodologia sul vostro blog o sul vostro sito web o ancora sui social media. Per favore includete anche le informazioni riguardanti i miei contatti.

Contact : Tina Minkowitz,

Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry,


Methodologie zur Unterstüzungskampagne der CRPD Absolutes Verbot.

Falls Du/Sie/Ihr einen individuellen Blog habt, in dem Posts gemacht werden, bestückt ihn bitte mit Name, URL (Internetadresse) und einer Zusammenfassung des Inhaltes bis am 14. März 2016.

Falls Du/Sie/Ihr über keinen Zugang zu einem Blog verfügt, jedoch trotzdem mitmachen wollt, kontaktiert mich bitte und ich werde mein Bestes tun, um Euch mit teilnehmenden, kollektiven Internetseiten und Blogseiten zu verbinden.

Falls Ihr über eine Kollektivblogseite oder Internetseite verfügt, sei sie von einer Organisation, grundlegend, akademischer Natur, journalistisch usw. und Ihr möchtet diese für Gastblogger, für die Kampagne, öffnen, lasst es mich so bald als möglich wissen.

Ihr seid auch eingeladen, die „Call to Action“ und diese Notitz der „Methodologie“ auf Euren Homepages, Blogs und sozialen Medien zu teilen; bitte versichert Euch, dass Ihr meine Kontaktinformationen miteinbezieht.

Kontakt: Tina Minkowitz,

Zentrum für Menschenrechte von Gebraucher und Überlebende der Psychiatrie,

Introducing the Campaign – Call to Action

download CallToActionFinal (doc)  CallToActionFinal (pdf)

en español: LlamadaES (doc)

en français: Call To Action (French) – Appel à l’Action (doc)

in italiano: Introduzione della campagna  (doc)

in German: Aufruf zur Aktion (doc)


Campaign to Support CRPD Absolute Prohibition of Forced Treatment and Involuntary Commitment

Action: Coordinated blog posts launched on 29 March 2016, opening day of Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 15th session

Participants: Survivors, service (ex-)users, allies, researchers, lawyers, academics, service providers, journalists, concerned citizens of the world….

Content: Write from your heart and mind about any aspect of the absolute prohibition and why it is needed: the harm done by forced drugging; solidarity and building an inclusive society where all people are equal; the legal implications of the CRPD internationally and for domestic law; reception of the CRPD by other human rights mechanisms; potential of absolute prohibition to transform services and supports for people with psychosocial disabilities as we desire them to be; relationship of pathologizing diagnoses to forced treatment and commitment, etc. Don’t limit yourself to these examples; what’s important is to have many voices from many perspectives expressing the value and necessity of the absolute prohibition.

Reference: Link your argument or statement to CRPD (especially Articles 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 25(d), 28), General Comment No. 1 on Article 12, and/or Guidelines on Article 14, and express your support for the CRPD Committee’s approach, which can be summed up as a paradigm shift from procedural safeguards (outdated paradigm in mental health laws) to absolute prohibition (new paradigm in CRPD).

***It is also helpful to reference the Basic Principles and Guidelines put out by the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Principle 20 and Guideline 20, which build a bridge from old paradigm to new by instructing judges to apply the absolute prohibition.

Context: The CRPD poses a serious challenge to the status quo of law and the power of organized psychiatry.   Two UN treaty bodies have come out into open conflict with the text and authoritative interpretation of the CRPD: the Human Rights Committee (which monitors the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) in their General Comment No. 35 (para 19); and the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (which conducts visits to places of detention and supervises national prevention mechanisms which do the same) in their document “Rights [sic] of persons institutionalized and medically treated without informed consent”. The SPT’s position is the most stark, not only allowing commitment and forced treatment but saying that abolition would violate the right to health and the right to be free from torture and other ill-treatment. In other words they are endorsing the “right to treatment” argument put forward by organized psychiatry. As we know this argument depends on negating the capacity and right of people with psychosocial disabilities to make our own decisions and defend our bodily autonomy, which is guaranteed by CRPD Article 12. Bodily autonomy is fundamental to personhood and to safety, which are both aspects of human rights and necessary conditions for living well.

Background info:

Contact: Tina Minkowitz


Campaña en Apoyo a la Prohibición Absoluta de la CDPD de los Tratamientos Forzosos y los Internamientos Involuntarios


Acción: Envío coordinado de mensajes de blog el 29 de marzo de 2016, día de la apertura de la 15ª Sesión del Comité sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad.

Participantes: Sobrevivientes, usuarios(as) y ex-usuarios(as) de servicios, aliados(as), investigadores, abogados(as), académicos(as), prestadores de servicios, periodistas, ciudadanas y ciudadanos del mundo interesados…


Contenido: Escribe desde tu cabeza y tu corazón sobre cualquier aspecto relacionado con la prohibición absoluta y el por qué consideras que ésta es necesaria: por el daño que resulta del uso forzado de drogas; por solidaridad y la construcción de una sociedad inclusiva en la que todas y todos sean iguales; las implicaciones de la CDPD, tanto internacionalmente como en las legislaciones nacionales; la recepción que han dado a la CDPD otros mecanismos de derechos humanos; el potencial de la prohibición absoluta para transformar los servicios y los apoyos para las personas con discapacidad psicosocial en las formas en que los deseamos; la relación entre los diagnósticos patologizantes y los tratamientos forzosos y los internamientos, etc. No te limites a estos ejemplos; lo importante es contar con muchas voces distintas que, desde diferentes perspectivas, expresen la importancia y la necesidad de la prohibición absoluta.

Referencias: Relaciona tu argumento o postura a la CDPD (especialmente los Artículos 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 25(d) y 28), y a documentos del Comité CDPD como la Observación General No.1 sobre el Artículo 12, y/o las Directrices sobre el Artículo 14 (únicamente disponibles en inglés, Guidelines on Article 14), para expresar tu apoyo al enfoque del Comité, el cual podría resumirse como el cambio de paradigma desde las garantías procesales (el paradigma ya obsoleto que se encuentra en las leyes de salud mental) a la prohibición absoluta (el nuevo paradigma en la CDPD).

***También puede resultar útil hacer referencia a los Principios y Directrices Básicos, formulados por el Grupo de Trabajo sobre la Detención Arbitraria, Principio 20 y Directriz 20, que representan el paso desde el viejo paradigma al nuevo, al instruir a los jueces sobre la aplicación de la prohibición absoluta.

Contexto: La CDPD implica un serio desafío al statu quo del derecho y del poder de la psiquiatría organizada. Dos órganos de los tratados de Naciones Unidas han entrado en un conflicto abierto con el texto y la interpretación autorizada de la CDPD: EL Comité de Derechos Humanos (que supervisa el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos), y su Observación General No. 35, párrafo 19; y el Subcomité de la Prevención de la Tortura (SPT) (que lleva a cabo visitas a los sitios de detención y supervisa a los mecanismos nacionales de prevención que hacen lo propio); este último, en su documento “Derechos [sic] de las personas institucionalizadas y tratadas médicamente sin su consentimiento informado” (únicamente disponible en inglés, Rights [sic] of persons institutionalized and medically treated without informed consent). La posición del SPT es la más extrema, al no sólo permitir el internamiento y los tratamientos forzados, sino decir incluso que su abolición violaría el derecho a la salud y el derecho a no ser objeto de tortura y otros malos tratos. Dicho en otras palabras, el SPT está avalando el argumento del “derecho al tratamiento” que plantea la psiquiatría organizada. Como sabemos, este argumento descansa sobre la base de negar a las personas con discapacidad psicosocial el derecho a tomar sus propias decisiones y a defender su autonomía corporal, garantizadas por el Artículo 12 de la CDPD. La autonomía corporal es fundamental para la personalidad y la seguridad, aspectos ambos de derechos humanos y condiciones necesarias para el bien vivir.

Información sobre antecedentes (disponible en inglés):

Contacto: Tina Minkowitz



Campagne pour soutenir l’Abolition totale des soins et de l’hospitalisation sans consentement en application de la CDPH de l’ONU


Action : Lancer des messages coordonnés sur des blogs partenaires le 29 mars 2016 – jour de l’ouverture de la 15ème session du Comité des Droits des personnes handicapées de l’ONU

Participants : Survivants, (ex)usagers des services de psychiatrie, sympathisants, chercheurs, avocats, universitaires, gestionnaires, professionnels de santé et des services, journalistes, citoyens concernés du monde …

Langues utilisées : Même si la majorité des participants s’expriment en anglais, des sites web en espagnol,  en norvégien, et en allemand collaborent déjà à cette campagne. Tout site web ou bloggeur francophone est le bienvenu pour nous rejoindre avec des contributions en français ou en toute autre langue.

Contenu : Partager avec votre cœur et votre esprit tout aspect relatif à l’abolition totale et pourquoi elle est nécessaire : les dégâts causés par les traitements chimiques sans consentement ; la solidarité et la construction d’une société inclusive où tous sont égaux ; les implications juridiques de la CDPH au niveau du droit international et national ; l’accueil de la CDPH par d’autres mécanismes relatifs aux droits de l’homme ; le potentiel provoqué par cette abolition de transformer les services et les formes de soutien pour les personnes en situation de handicap psychosocial tels que nous les souhaitons ; la relation entre les diagnostics pathologisants conduisant au traitement forcé et à la contrainte, etc. Ne vous limitez pas à ces exemples. Ce qui compte est d’avoir un maximum de voix d’un maximum de perspectives exprimant la valeur et la nécessité absolue de cette abolition. 

Références : Relier vos arguments ou vos déclarations à la CDPH (notamment ses articles 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 25(d), 28), et à l’Observation générale n° 1 sur l’article 12, et /ou les Directives pour l’article 14 (Guidelines on Article 14), et exprimer votre soutien de l’approche du Comité de la CDPH. Cette approche constitue un changement de paradigme allant d’un système sécuritaire procédural (paradigme obsolète des lois sur la santé mentale) à un système d’abolition totale (nouveau paradigme de la CDPH).

***Il serait également utile de faire référence aux Principes de base et lignes directrices publiés par le Groupe de travail sur la détention arbitraire de l’ONU, Principe 20 et Lignes directrice 20, qui construisent un pont entre l’ancien et le nouveau paradigme en chargeant les juges d’appliquer cette abolition totale.

Contexte : La CDPH représente un défi sérieux au statu quo de la loi et au pouvoir de la psychiatrie organisée. Deux Organes de Traités des Nations Unies sont en conflit ouvert avec le texte et l’interprétation faisant autorité de la CDPH : le Comité des droits de l’homme (qui surveille la mise en application du Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques) dans son Observation générale no 35 (par. 19) ; et le Sous-comité pour la prévention de la torture (qui effectue des visites des lieux de détention et contrôle les mécanismes nationaux de prévention qui font de même) dans son document “Rights [sic] of persons institutionalized and medically treated without informed consent(Droits (sic) des personnes placées en institution et soumises aux traitements sans consentement éclairé). La position du Sous-comité pour la prévention de la torture est la plus sévère, permettant non seulement le placement et le traitement sans consentement mais expliquant aussi que son abolition serait en violation du droit à la santé et au droit ne pas être soumis à la torture ou aux mauvais traitements. Autrement dit, le Comité soutient l’argument du « droit au traitement » avancé par la psychiatrie conventionnelle. Comme nous le savons, cet argument est basé sur la négation de la capacité et du droit des personnes en situation de handicap psychosocial de prendre leurs propres décisions et de défendre leur autonomie corporelle tels que garantis par l’article 12 du CDPH. L’autonomie corporelle est un droit fondamental rattaché à la personnalité de chacun et indispensable à notre sécurité ; deux aspects des droits de l’homme nécessaires à notre bien-être.

Références :

Contact : Tina Minkowitz


Introduzione della campagna 

Campagna in appoggio al Divieto Assoluto nel CRPD (Convenzione dei Diritti delle Persone con Disabilità) del Trattamento Sanitario Obbligatorio e dei Ricoveri Coatti.

Azione: Invio coordinato di post (di blog) il 29 marzo 2016, giorno dell’apertura della 15° Sessione del Comitato dei Diritti delle Persone con Disabilità.

Partecipanti: Sopravvissuti, utenti ed ex-utenti, sostenitori, ricercatori, legali, accademici, fornitori di servizi, giornalisti, cittadini interessati di tutto il mondo …

Contenuto: Scrivi quello che ti suggerisce il cuore e la mente riguardo a qualsiasi aspetto sul divieto assoluto [del Trattamento Sanitario Obbligatorio e dei Ricoveri Coatti] e sul perché ritieni sia necessario, come i danni derivanti dall’assunzione obbligatoria degli psicofarmaci, la solidarietà e la costruzione di una società inclusiva in cui tutte le persone sono uguali, le implicazioni legali del CRPD sia a livello internazionale che per quanto riguarda la legislazione nazionale, la ricezione della CRPD da parte di altre organizzazioni per i diritti umani, il potenziale che il divieto assoluto ha di trasformare i servizi e gli aiuti per le persone con disabilità psico-sociali, come noi desideriamo che siano, il rapporto che c’è tra diagnosi patologizzanti e i trattamenti sanitari obbligatori ecc. Non limitarti a questi esempi, ciò che è importante è avere tante voci da differenti prospettive, che esprimono il valore e la necessità del divieto assoluto [del Trattamento Sanitario Obbligatorio e i Ricoveri Coatti].

Riferimento: Collega la tua argomentazione o la tua asserzione al CRPD (Convenzione dei diritti delle persone disabili) (in particolare agli articoli 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 25(d), 28), Commento Generale n.1 all’articolo 12 e/o Linee Guida all’Articolo 14, (disponibile solo in inglese Guidelines on Article 14ed esprimi il tuo sostegno al criterio del Comitato CRPD, che può essere riassunto come un cambiamento di paradigma dalle garanzie procedurali (paradigma obsoleto nelle leggi di salute mentale) al divieto assoluto (nuovo paradigma nel CRPD).

*** E’ altresì utile fare riferimento ai Principi di Base e Linee Guida Basic Principles and Guidelines, formulati dal Gruppo di Lavoro sulla Detenzione Arbitraria, Principi di Base 20 e Linee Guida 20, che costruiscono un ponte dal vecchio paradigma al nuovo e che istruiscono i giudici ad applicare il divieto assoluto [del Trattamento Sanitario Obbligatorio e i Ricoveri Coatti].

Contesto: La Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sui diritti delle persone con disabilità (CRPD) sta sfidando seriamente lo status quo della normativa e del potere della psichiatria organizzata. Due organismi delle Nazioni Unite si sono espressi in aperto conflitto con il testo e l’interpretazione autorevole della Convenzione ONU (CRPD): il Comitato dei Diritti dell’Uomo (che controlla la Convenzione Internazionale sui Diritti Civili e Politici), nel loro  Osservazione generale N. 35(paragrafo 19); e il Sottocomitato per la Prevenzione della Tortura – SPT (che effettua visite nei luoghi di detenzione, e supervisiona i meccanismi nazionali di prevenzione, che si occupano della stessa cosa), nel loro documento “Diritti [sic] delle persone istituzionalizzate e medicalizzate senza il loro consenso informato”. Rights [sic] of persons institutionalized and medically treated without informed consent).La posizione del SPT è la più forte, e non solo approva il trattamento sanitario obbligatorio, ma dice che l’abolizione [del TSO] violerebbe il diritto alla salute e il diritto di essere liberi dalla tortura e da altri maltrattamenti. In altre parole, avvallano il “diritto al trattamento”, tesi portata avanti dalla psichiatria organizzata. Come sappiamo, questo argomento si basa sulla negazione della capacità e del diritto delle persone con disabilità psicosociali, di prendere le proprie decisioni e di difendere la propria autonomia fisica, che è garantita dall’articolo 12 del CRPD. L’autonomia fisica è fondamentale dal punto di vista della personalità e della sicurezza, che sono i due aspetti dei diritti umani e delle condizioni necessarie per il benessere.

Informazioni di base: (disponibili in inglese):

Contatto: Tina Minkowitz


Zentrum für Menschenrechte von Gebraucher und Überlebenden der Psychiatrie.

Kampagne zur Unterstützung der CRPD Absolutes Verbot von Zwangsbehandlungen und Unfreiwilligen Verpflichtungen und Zusammenarbeiten.

Unterfangen: Koordinierte Blog Veröffentlichungen mit Startdatum am 29. März 2016, Eröffnungstag des Ausschusses zu den rechten von Personen mit Behinderung 15th Session

Teilnehmer: Überlebende, Dienst (ehemalige)Benutzer, Verbündete, Forscher, Rechtsanwälte, Akademiker, Dienstleister, Journalisten, betroffene Weltbürger und Genossen….

Inhalt: Schreibe aus deinem Herzen und deinem Geist von jedem Aspekt des absoluten Verbots und weshalb es notwendig ist: der Schaden und das Leid, durch Gewalt- und Zwangsmedikation; Solidarität und Errichtung einer inklusiven Gesellschaft in welcher alle Menschen gleich sind; die gestetzliche Verankerung, international und im Privatrecht des CRPD; Anerkennung des CRPD durch weitere Menschenrechtsanwendungen und -mechanismen; Potential und Wirkung des absoluten Verbotes zur Umwandlung der Dienstleistung und Unterstützung für Menschen mit psychozozialer Behinderung oder Invalidität wie wir sie zu sein verlangen; Beziehung von von pathologisierenden Diagnosen zu gewaltsamen oder zwangshaften Behandlungen und Zusammenarbeit usw. Begrenze Dich nicht bei diesen Beispielen; wichtig ist viele Stimmen aus vielen Perspektiven zu haben, welche die Notwendigkeit des absoluten Verbotes ausdrücken.

Referenz: Verknüpfe Deine Argumente. Meinungen oder Statement mit CRPD (vor allem Artikel 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 25[d], 28) Hauptvermerk Nr. 1 in Artikel 12, und/oder Wegleitung zu Artikel 14, und drücke Deine Unterstützung für den CRPD Komiteeansatz, welcher als eine Paradigmenverschiebung weg von Sicherheitsprozeduren (überaltertes Paradigma im Geistesgesundheitsrecht) hin zum absoluten Verbot (neues, aktuelles Paradigma im CRPD) aus.

***Es ist gleichfalls hilfreich Bezug zu den Grundlegenden Prinzipien und Wegleitungen, herausgegeben von der Arbeitsgruppe zum willkürlichen Nutzungsentgang, Prinzip 20 und Wegleitung 20, welches eine Brücke vom alten zum neuen Paradigma bilden indem es Richter zur Anwendung des absoluten Verbotes instruiert und anweist.

Kontext: CRPD stellt eine ernsthafte Herausforderung des Status Quo von Gesetz und der Macht der organisierten Psychiatrie dar. Zwei UN Abkommenskörperschaften sind in einen offenen Konflikt mit dem Text und der massgebenden Deutung des CRPD geraten: Die Menschenrechtskommission (welche die Internationalen Veträge der Zivil- und Politikrechte kontrolliert) in ihren Allgemeinen Erläuterungen Nr. 35 (Para 19); und die Unterkommission zur Verhinderung von Folter (welche Besuche, Visiten und Inspektionen zu Aufenthaltsorten durchführt und nationale Verhinderungsmechanismen, welche dasselbe tun, beaufsichtigt) in ihrem Dokument „Rechte [sic] von ohne deren mitgeteilten Zusage institutionalisiert und medikamentös behandelten Personen“.


SPT’s Standpunkt ist der extremste, nicht nur Gewalt- und Zwangsbehandlungen erlaubend, sondern behauptend, dass Abschaffung mit dem Recht auf Gesundheit und dem Recht auf Folterlosigkeit und dem frei sein von anderer kranken Behandlung. In anderen Worten befürworten sie die von der organisierten Psychiatrie vorgebrachte „Recht auf Behandlung“ Diskussion. Wie wir wissen, hängt dieses Argument davon ab, dass man Menschen mit einer psychosozialen Beeinträchtigung die Fähigkeit unsere eigenen Entscheidungen zu treffen und die Autonomie unseres Körpers zu verteidigen, welches garantiert und gesichert ist mittels CRPD Artikel 12, abspricht. Körperliche Autonimie ist fundamental für die Menschlichkeit und die Sicherheit, welche beide Aspekte der Menschenrechte und notwendige Bedingungen für das Wohl des Lebens sind.


Hintergrund Information:

Kontakt: Tina Minkowitz